Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Five Rules to Remember When Life is Getting Rough.

I don't know about you guys, but nothing cheers me up more than some inspiration when I am down! This Tuesday, we had a special visit from Mr. Steve Riddell himself and let me tell you he handed it to me today. I can not express how his wisdom has spoken to me recently. To re-cap, I have listed for you the top five rules to apply to yourself when you feel overwhelmed and/or flustered:
  1. You can do what is in front of you.
    • Meaning: When you see that mountain in front of you, tell yourself you can climb it. People get so intimidated by things that they often don't succeed to their potential. YOU CAN DO IT!
  2. Energize your desires
    • If you find something that gives you motivation, do more of it! Embrace your life with things you desire to do and you will feel more fulfilled and overall a happier person. Find a hobby that you like to do and do more of it!
  3. Follow your intuition
    • If something makes you cock your head and wonder to yourself "why is that," you should probably act upon it. Figure out why things are a certain way and if they need to be analyzed and changed to become better! There is always room for improvement. This can be very helpful with our relationships in life ;)
  4. Take the lead in your life
    • Don't let others lead the direction it is going. Take initiative and make yourself your "leader." Don't let others control how you feel or guide you down a dark hole. So many people are affected by the actions and comments of others, it is time for a change. 
  5. Make action your passion
    • This is my favorite because it sounds so simple. JUST DO IT... and keep doing it.  So many people set goals and don't act upon them! You owe it to yourself to take action in life!...I'm just sayin. 

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